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Writer's pictureNatalie Buster

Lacuna Community: A Place to Grow

Updated: Dec 26, 2020

When we got the Stay at Home orders in March, I honestly didn't think the pandemic would last that long. Maybe a month or the most, until September. But here we are, at the sunset of 2020, still staying safe by staying home, wearing masks, and becoming very comfortable with virtual interactions.

Thank goodness my friend Marleen from 2nd Bloom Yoga came along. She offered me a chance to teach yoga virtually to her beautiful community. I think at one point this summer I was teaching 18 classes a week! But I wanted more. I wanted to combine my passion of yoga with theatre, and offer opportunities for people to make self care a priority. And then my friend Laura Michelle came along with a great idea to do just that.

Lacuna Community was created during the Pandemic of 2020. We watched as our friends and neighbors struggled with self care during this challenging time and we wanted to do something about it. We believe that every human being has the potential to grow and heal, and that together, we can heal our communities, too. Lacuna, like the definition, is an empty space; the pause between breaths, the moment before, a space of potential energy. A space to grow.

In this lacuna we offer wellness programming through our partnership with 2nd Bloom Yoga, personal growth programming featuring experts at the top of their fields, and creative programming which can guide us all towards finding our true voice and expression. Through grants and generous donations, we have the ability to offer this programming for free and at a reduced price - so that all people, regardless of income or social status, can grow.

If you are in a position to give at this time, please check out our Donate page. If you're interested in taking some of our free offerings, we have creative writing, theatrical movement, and vocal yoga workshops in January. If you'd like some help in making self care a priority, we've got your back.

Together, we can create a community of balanced, compassionate, and clear-thinking individuals. Won't you join us? Check out our website here. Don't have a yoga or meditation practice yet? Discover one with our wellness partner, Second Bloom Yoga! Be sure to follow us on Facebook (Lacuna Community) and Instagram (@lacunacommunity2020) for all of our exciting opportunities.

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