Hello friends! Once a month, I offer a virtual yoga class and I'd love it if you could join me! It's this Saturday, February 26th at 11 AM CST (9 AM PST/10 AM MST/Noon EST).
We could all use a little stress reduction in our lives, and my monthly Saturday class is an exploration of stress reduction techniques using the panchamaya kosha model from yoga philosophy.
"Kosha" is a Sanskrit word for "sheath" or "layer". And we can think of it as peeling back layers of our selves to get to our true essence (kind of like peeling back layers of an onion - only less smelly). This Saturday, we'll be exploring the energy layer "Prana Maya Kosha" - using breath practices and vitality-boosting movements.
If you are interested in joining us, you can sign up HERE. If you've never taken a virtual yoga class with me before, have no fear. You can keep your camera off, and come just as you are. Or you can turn your camera on and chat a bit before and after class. Move at your own pace, take what works for you and leave behind what doesn't.